Art and Therapy BLOG - Printview for page #3539
Day 2

Day 2 - Group Session

Connecting the Worlds through Art

After lunch:

Group Challenge

Painting a map of your village

The students are working in 4 teams - 2 boy-teams and 2 girl-teams.

All students are very motivated and take the challenge of creating the best and (!) nicest map of their village. Some students live in other villages, so I show them the map the students of the 7th have created yesterday.


Again there is a great difference between boys and girls:

The boys seem to be more interested in creating a really good (=correct) map.

The girls prefer to design the most beautiful map.


All students have a lot of fun, and - in the end - each group votes for their own map.


I have to admit - I like them all :)

